Personal Trainer (Reps Reg)
New Zealand
Personal Training, strength and stability, movement and fun
Triathlon,swimming, cycling, running, walking
for women of any ability, age or fitness level
Proud supporter of the
PhysioMed Women's Triathlon & Duathlon
and the Connecting Women and Sport Trust
Phn 027 271 9721
BMT Group Training

Events are a destination, training is the journey and there are ways to make the journey a lasting lifestyle, satisfying and fun - an intuitive, knowledgeable coach.. support..information and tips that work and friendship. What better way to get this mix right than to join in with group training. Knowing that you are meeting at a certain time, in a specified place makes it so much easier to keep motivated, just pack your bag of gear and put the dates, times and place in your diary.
Our aim for these groups is to create a supportive training environment for woman at any fitness level. Do not stay away because you think you are not fit enough, or you think you are carrying too much weight, or you are too slow and will hold others up - we all have to start somewhere and our culture is to support and encourage each other. Whatever your level of fitness is, come along and join in as vary the distances and speed to cater for all abilities. Check below for more details or contact me to ask any questions you have.
Everyone is welcome to join in our groups, there is no charge for the Saturday bike group or the Run/Walk group as these groups are not skills sessions from me or any other trainer, we will however give you any safety info you need! These sessions are an opportunity to meet others and gain confidence, experience and great motivation to get out the door.
Weekly information on the groups is on the Barb Millar Training facebook page, the Calendar on the Home Page or a text message via Twitter to keep you in touch with any changes including cancelations due to weather. To sign up for the Twitter text you don't need a twitter account - just text "follow barbmillar" to 8987 (Vodafone does not support Twitter text, so apologies if you are a Vodafone customer but you can set up a Twitter account to follow)
For more information, contact me on info@barbmillartraining.co.nz or call 027 271 9721
Swim group is at Wharenui Pool on Sunday's at 5pm and Wednesday's at 7pm
It does not matter if you can or cannot swim, if you haven't swum for a number of years, if you are fit or not fit - all you need (apart from a swim suit goggles and a cap!) is the desire to swim or improve your technique.
The swim group is run in 7 week blocks with a week inbetween each block. You can join in at any time during the block
For 7 weeks the fees are $130 for 2 sessions a week or $70 for 1 session a week or for a casual session it is $15 for pool entry and coaching. If you are joining in during a 7 week block I will adjust the amount.
If you are first time in joining us text or call Barb on 027 271 9721 to book your spot.
Run & Walk Group meets Thursday's at Hagley Park at 6pm & Sunday's at various places 8.30am
Thursday run and walk is around Hagley Park. We split into groups depending on ability. Our rules are simple, look after each other and no one gets left behind.
Sunday Run and walk is a different location each week often including hills for strength, cardio fitness and the wonderful view at the top! The meeting point for Sunday is on the Barb Millar Training Facebook page every Friday on the BMT home page and by text message via Twitter (details above)
NOTE: for July/August the bike group is taking a holiday. Back in force in spring.
Most weeks we meet at Princess Margaret Hospital Car Park. We split into different groups depending on fitness, ability and weather. There is no charge for these rides.
This is a guide, contact me if you have more questions:
Beginners group is just that. Distance is anywhere from 10-20km
Med group is for some fitness and experience and distance 30-40km
Long ride is for the more experienced and distance is around 50km +
(Long ride starts at 8am)
I encourage all women of any age, ability or fitness to turn up. We have a beginners group, a medium group and an experienced group. Distances and speeds will be adjusted on the day. Beginners are welcome to ride on a mountain bike, you will not be left behind
Strength, movement and fun Personal Training Sessions that are structured to your needs.
Arrange a group from 2-6 people at the BMT gym for an hour of fun, strength and movement with Barb. Training with others is motivating, fun and a great way to spread the session fees.
There is limited time slots available so check with me if you are ready to take the challenge!
The session will vary week by week! You never know what I will have up my sleeve as a challenge or game.